Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Break

We were going to go to Wisconsin for Spring break to visit some good friends. But the mom ended up getting really sick. So now, we are going to go camping. Some other friends wanted us to go camping with them but we did not reserve our spot soon enough to be able to stay as long as we had originally planned. We get to go with those friends, but , again, not quite as long. So Dad is going to take us kids up Tuesday and we will get back Thursday afternoon. Mom is going to stay home and have 2 days of "me" time-something she hasn't had in a long time! We will get some pictures up when we get back from our little trip.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Yeah!!! You have a blog! I realized you were leaving comments on ours so I was glad to find out you have started one too! It is such a great way to keep in touch and great for journaling. I have been working on my 2008 blog book. I am editing page 66 of 166 pgs. Only 100 more pages until I can have it printed...yeah! Have fun on the camping trip and Debra ENJOY your 2 days of peace!! Love you guys! I will add your blog to mine...yippee!