Sunday, March 22, 2009

Camping Trip

Well, we forgot the camera when we went camping so, sorry, no pictures! But we had such a fun time! Our camping site was about 2 1/2 hours away. It was due south of Dallas. We went with some friends who had gone up a few days earlier and taken Tyler with them. We just all piled onto their site because everything else was already booked! We had 2 big meadows next to us and a beach on the other side of the meadow. Well, the beach on our side was just pretty much a little bit of sand, a lot of trees and brush, a boat ramp and a dock. But it was still fun to play in the trees and the water. We brought scooters, roller blades, frisbees (funny story on that!) and played board games-or video games on Tyler's part! We left Tuesday after going to the zoo with some other friends. We got back Thursday afternoon. Even though it was not very long, we had a really good time and really enjoyed the time with Dad.

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