Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Wow, it has been SO long! I really wish that I would actually get ON here once in a while so that there might be something here! :) Well, since the last post was about Kayli moving out, I guess I should start by telling you about her moving back in. The family she was renting from moved to a new neighborhood. She was planning on moving into an apartment in Dallas, but decided to stay home, instead. She is staying for several months-through January, at least. I am very glad to have her home again. Holly and I had started turning her old room into a playroom, but she moved back in there. She has a full time job as a Nanny and loves it! We have known Wendy, the wife, for about 5 years, from before she got married. Now, her husband is a chiropracter and she has 2 boys-3 yrs. and 10 months. They are the cutest boys but are full of energy and personality! They hired Kayli several months ago and she absolutely loves her job. She gets to take Jack with her every day, too-the family has a dog, and him and Jack play so well together. That's about it for Kayli!

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