Saturday, June 13, 2009


A couple weeks ago, Grandma and Grandpa Thomson came down from Colorado. They came with Dad and me to an acting tryout that I was a part of. I memorized a dialogue from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. (it is the part where Lucy goes, fro the first time, to Mr. Tumnus' house and then finds out that he is kidnapping her.) I got a call yesterday that...I MADE IT! I had kept on telling myself that I had not made it, and that I should just find something else to do. So I was and am so excited to find out that I really did made it! The "company" is called Word of Mouth Productions. They have a small cast so everyone will have double roles. Each person will also participate in every play that Word of Mouth is putting on including The Lion, the Wich and the Wardrobe, Alice in Wonderland, the Pied Piper, and lots more. I rehersals will also only be two weeks, monday-Friday, 9 AM-3 PM for these one-act plays. This should be interesting and fun!

Oh, and, Grandma and Grandpa T. took Tyler back with them to Colorado. He is working for Grandpa as a "bean farmer" until school starts. I think that Tyler will pretty much be in charge of the irrigation for the several acres of beans! (pipe irrigation, of course!) I am really going to miss him, even though he is really annoying!! :)

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